In house cooking classes in your own kitchen or online
Regardless of your skill in the kitchen, Chicky’s choice of cooking classes will give you the confidence, knowledge and necessary tools to aspire you to cook healthy, nutritious meals every day.
Unleashing your inner-chef by developing skills and discovering a love of cooking is what Chicky’s 15 years’ experience in training and assessment will bring to the kitchen table.
While no single food will make you instantly healthy, the combination of a balanced diet filled with many nutrient dense foods will help you reach your health and fitness goals. The fuel you put into your body impacts how efficiently it runs.
Chicky will help you focus on nourishing your body with ample nutrients to optimising maximum energy and efficiency every single day.
Personalised and targeted classes
In-house class packages
Individual 3-hour cooking classes dedicated to assessing your current wellness and creating a personalised plan to fit your unique needs and goals. Includes personalised recipes tailored to your dietary needs. The cost is $100 per hour plus the cost of food, depending on the menu chosen.
Nutritional consultation plus a 3-hour cooking class. Includes a personalised nutrition plan, recipes and meal plan tailored to your dietary needs. Cost $400 plus cost of food depending on menu chosen
Group cooking classes. Cost: $100 per hour with a minimum of 4 hours. The size of the class will depend on the kitchen space